Friday, August 04, 2006

Retirement for Bartlett

As people who know me will likely know - I am a big fan of the US drama - The West Wing. Last night was a sad night for me as at 11pm I sat down to watch the last ever episode on RTE (praise be for SKY!). I know it wasn't the best episode ever, I know it didnt have the usual laps round the corridors or the biting repartie between Josh and Donna, I know it didnt have the drama and intensity of a major crisis or a political quagmire to navigate. It DID have closure and the tying up of loose ends with the slighest whiff of sequel or spin-off. I suppose the females want to know what Josh and Donna's babies will look like? Does Josh make it as Chief of Staff? Does Will and that over-zealous national security type person whose name you can never remember actually work out? And anyway, who would be wearing the trousers in that house? Does Toby ever get to smile? Do CJ and Danny get to get away from it all? Does Sam get to be Sam? And I suppose I have a little (though, just a little!) interest in knowing how Santos does as president! I am sad to see it stop but glad that they had the sense not to keep going and loose the quality and interest of viewers. So, thank you for preserving my interest in US politics and bowing out gracefully!

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