Monday, January 22, 2007

The new Headteacher is . . . . .

. . . NOT a teacher! Disturbing reports on the BBC News site over the weekend with reports that perhaps education is to go the way of the health service. Instead of the more experienced teachers in our schools to run things, we are going to be getting some help from the private, management sector. What joy! Number crunchers and business-brained boffins coming into schools to tell us how to manage. And, lets note the marvellous success of what they have done in the health service. What a model of leadership that has been! Costs up. Morale down. Doctors and nurses needed to be imported from the developing world to make sure that there is enough staff. Yes, what we need right now in education is professional managers taking over the reigns in schools. After all, these schools are a drain on resources and society and it is about time that they started turning a profit. The Government can be a load of muppets sometimes.

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